Gun has killed 17 of my fellow classmates

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Franklin, who died Thursday at 76, solidified her unchallenged reign as the Queen of Soul elsewhere, on grander stages, typically with grittier musical backing. But she wasn’t out of place at The Village Gate, nor really out of her element. For the previous couple of years she’d been working comparable rooms in New York with a swinging piano trio.

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Her first column was about food and safer sex no whipped cream with condoms! Great start, and her columns have been consistantly great!The girl (and it’s almost always a girl who writes this column for some reason) who wrote last semester’s column, Rachel Klein, didn’t write nearly as well. Her column did not stress the importance of safer sex methods and read more or less like Letters to Penthouse. Her claim to fame, however, was she posed nude in Playboy for their Girls of the Pac10 issue back in 1999.

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