A few years later I spent most of the time at recess sitting with the teachers and talking with them instead of playing (I learned all sorts of interesting things that way!). I was never diagnosed anywhere on the autism spectrum or ADHD or anything else. But recess was always miserable..
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Bathing kids at granny house where the water temp isn regulated. All these things I once did, but now know better. The hard way.. I almost convinced that this only part of the problem. I think a lot of unemployment is due to people not being where the jobs are, people not being qualified (ex con, can pass a drug test) It costs too much to take that low paying job (at $10 an hour you can afford a car hair toppers, there is no public transportation) I have two kids hair toppers, childcare costs more than take home pay. And of course hair toppers, a lot of jobs just expect too many qualifications for what they want to pay..
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