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He completely fails to recognize why it a problem even though the KKK are tweeting him thank you.He a selfish child with no reasoning beyond “powerful people have to show they powerful or no one will respect them.” The nuance required by politics is entirely lost on him. Actions will always speak louder than words in politics (if you are looking for the truth). McCain had a lot of rhetoric about opposing Trump and being civil and I’m sure interpersonally he didn’t like the man, but he fell in line and voted with nearly every single policy.And it’s not that John McCain didn’t want people to not be assholes, he was on record constantly screaming at reporters and also arguing that he should be able to call Asian people “gooks” for his entire life because of what the Viet Cong did to him.John McCain was a politician and like almost all of them, ignore the words and look at the actions.

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